World Surf Reserve

Ericeira WSR10

Pedra Branca

The first wave that we find right in front of the Camping of Ericeira is the Stone Branca.Located at the southern tip of Empa Beach, and is named because of a rock submerged, with a lighter tone than the others, located in the zone where waves are normally Caught. It is a very fast left of reef bottom that receives ripples from the quadrant OS to the W / NO quadrant. Due to the shallow bench of the reef that is exposed during the empty tide, Is usually surfed from mid-tide to full tide. Regular and dangerous this wave Is characterized by a zone of rapid starts, followed by a pipe to the inside.

Ericeira WSR10


Continuing along the beach of Empa, which borders a small cliff, we find 300 Meters to North the twin sister of Pedra Branca, a wave called Reef. this right Is formed from a very flat reef plate that develops on land and becomes more Development in the direction of NO. This is another regular and dangerous wave that has a Very short and quick take-off area, followed by a cylindrical tube that ends exactly on the plate Exposed to the inside surface. It only works with undulations of N to NO, with half tide.

Ericeira WSR10

Ribeira d`Ihas

Walking 500 meters to North, there is the most media and cosmopolitan wave of all that integrate the reservation. Located in a valley with a sand beach in the center, where a river flows, its configuration Is a natural amphitheater, ideal for holding surfing events. Not for The first national and international championships held in Portugal. Ribeira d`Ihas is a long right of pointbreak – meaning that the waves follow the contour Of the coast – which receives all kinds of ripples and works on all types of tide, being The most consistent wave in the region. With ripples from W / NO Ribeira d’Ilhas you can provide Rights up to 200 meters in length. Very valuable and competitive wave, because it allows the Different levels of approach by surfers.




Ericeira WSR10


This powerful right just started to be surfed Recently, having gained a lot of notoriety in recent years due to To its spectacular and dangers that surrounds. It is extremely radical, tubular And risky. Leaves on a sudden reef plate that does not connect with Earth, located at very low depths. The suction of water from the Wave to its top is so intense that this part below the line Of water – hence its designation – with the pipe that is formed there to become Progressively hollow, wide and flat as the wave approaches Of its end. The Cave must be exclusively used by very experienced surfers, And even these are advisable the use of protections.

Ericeira WSR10

Crazy left

A pointbreak that only breaks well with Undulations of N and NO. Being too exposed to the north wind, it is not a very consistent wave In terms of quality, but when it meets the ideal conditions its walls are fast And tubular, with several sections that provide great speeds. Because it is located in a Of drainage of water from the bay, receives only ripples in perfect conditions above 2 meters.

Ericeira WSR10


Inserted in a landscape that has remained immaculate since it began to be frequented, at the beginning Of the 70s, the wave of the Coxos is the one that best symbolizes the spirit of the local surfers And the values ​​by which the World Surf Reserve is governed: protection, preservation, sustainability. It is formed by a reef whose bathymetry presents a smooth and uniform slope to the middle of the bay. It has a classic pointbreak configuration, with its line of surf to accompany the contour From coast to coast. It is always a strong wave that presents different sections and Works in varied directions of ripple, and in ideal conditions provides tubes Of several seconds of duration. The dedication of the locals to this wave was the initial spark that triggered All the application process to World Surf Reserve.

Ericeira WSR10

São Lourenço

Leaving the Bay of Two Brothers behind, and walking a few minutes northward, We will find the beach of São Lourenço, located in a large bay, with 1.2 km wide. Near its center, about 300 meters from the beach, is the wave of St. Lourenço, properly speaking, the last of those that make up the Reserve. These rights depart On a rocky plateau, forming fast waves and with lots of water, due to To its peak being located a considerable distance from the beach. It is usually surfed In mid-tide and needs N / NO ripples, associated with east quadrant wind.




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